Senin, 31 Desember 2012

New Year come? Yes, it is!!!

Tomorrow is January 1st, 2013. Well, a cute date.

I just got my academic report from my school. And guess who is the most outstanding students? You have to guess it yourself, I think. I won't said her name.
In front of her face, I said "JU? Hahahaha, FAKE." I don't know if she could hear it or she pretend didn't hear it or the worst, she didn't hear it totally. Huh, deaf person.

Just see, my resolution this year : Take that degrees, and turn over the condition.

I just wish that she could introspect herself, and I could introspect myself, too.

Well, here is the fault that I've done and I remembered this year :

  1. I've been a sleepy head all this year long.
  2. Lazy head, I've forget some of my task.
  3. I'm not collect my story telling yet. Sorry, Ma'am.
  4. I've make my BUGEMM advisor, Mr. Abdul Kohar, mad at me. Sorry, Sir.
  5. Bullying Desta (I mean, just make a fun at her). Sorry Desta.
  6. Make some people angry with me.
  7. Lose the Yuchan's fork. Sorry Yuchan..... T_T
  8. Leaving the TNT's gathering. *It's the worst one*
  9. Forgetting my resolution in 2012 *It's the worst too*
  10. Didn't get a new boyfriend yet. :D

And that's all. I didn't remember anything else. Maybe if you know, you would tell me. I have to download some song and COUNTDOWN THE LAST SECONDS IN 2012!!!


Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Something abstract, unknown, unexpected.

I just visited Kak Liza's blog. It's so damn cool with all those thing which making it's become cooler and cooler.

This is so unexpected. I just passed the PPH because my illness, I got 41 degree celcius in my body, my brother teased me that he could fry an egg on my body, and all day long I just can sleep. Now my temperature has been lower than before, 39.5, but it's still be a fever for my mom. And when   I asked her whether she gives a letter for permission or not, she said no, she haven't gave the letter. Mom, please, it's PPH day.

I'm gonna come tomorrow no matter how ill I am. Tomorrow is band day, which is I'm the member of band, but I'm not sure that I can stay in th dorm because I still need medicine from my mom. But I'm not prepared anything for tomorrow.

I was skipped the TNT gathering too. I'm sorry, TNT, my classmate in X.Euro ordered me to had a practice in Fildzah's house yesterday. I hope someone from TNT read this. Sorry guys, I'm sorry.

My mom asked me to consume my medicine now.

Emil, Nyim, Marisa, Aul, Ira, Lingga, and Fildzah. Wish they luck guys.

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Puisi Erin : Bunda

This post was dedicated to Trie Riskita Marina's mother.


Pelita di kala hati gelap gulita
Bak mentari kau hangatkan jiwa
Lindungiku dari busukan dingin dunia
Penyejuk di kala rasa dilanda gundah

Kau permata pertama adinda
Selalu berharga
Tak peduli di mana dan di masa apa

Cinta ini tak pernah pudar
Walau bumi berhenti berputar
Saat nyawa pindah dari kelakar 

Selasa, 20 November 2012

RIP for Pop Frank, my beloved unrelated grandpa

Thank you for all memories that you had give to me.
You and me know, it's not reached yet.
But The God know your good will.
And He will appreciates it.

Rest In Peace, grandpa Frank.
Your golden 86 years was the great moment for us.
I will always remember the moment that you buy me an ice cream
Dadah kakek Freng.... :')

Sabtu, 17 November 2012



I have to revised my BUGEMM, while it was the limit of chapter two.


I was selected to be the violinist of my class in PPH (Pesta Putih Hitam, another cool program of my school).


I'm followed the chemistry olympic class, as the same as Kak Dela, and the materials are so suprising!


レポート END.

Footstory: There is someone, a girl, and damn fvcking crazy made a man, my friend, break up with his girlfriend, and think that she was the only one that suitable to be his girlfriend. Mother fvcking lover! (n)

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Deep fall, it's a deep fall.

I was in dormitory when it happened. It was an interdorm tug of war, and I, as the member of CND 8 was followed that competition. It was fun, and also hard to defeated the CND 6.

Unexpectedly, I released my rope and I was falled and then, I jumped in to a canal. How embrassing.

Cibay, our head of OSIA was said "Kasihan, kasihan. Jangan diketawain." He said it before he saw me, but, he laughed at me loudly when he saw me. How fuck. -_-

I'm confused what the next thing that I supposed to do with Dwilisa and Ricko. They are too wishy-washy about their relationship, there's no 'yes', also there's no 'no' too. Confusing.

I have to finish my note.

The temporary script of Malam Minggu Miko-Sasha by
Raditya Dika

Jumat, 21 September 2012

BUGEMM, ICAS, and All Those Capital Letters


I was reading this novel last night and I don't know why, it's so touching.

It's the trilogy of Negeri 5 Menara.

I was elected to be the jingle leader in Shokura for deville budaya. It was shocking, but I have nothing to say except yes. And I found out that my sister in Shokura was a jingle leader too. Haha, is it what we called as 'reincarnation'? LOL

I joined the Mathematic in ICAS. My teacher told me that I can download the past paper in ICAS website freely, but when I opened that site, I have to pay for it. -_-

I just hope that I'll get a medal, whatever medal. But in my mind, I hope I'll get gold medal. Nothing impossible, just like in Negeri 5 Menara, there's a quote that said "Man jadda wa" Who meant to be success, he got the success. 

BUGEMM's deadline is tomorrow. It my limit to submit my BUGEMM or I'll be punished in the flag ceremony. I've bought 5 books to complete it, but there are still some part that need more information. I just can be patient and said "Ini bukan akhir dunia, terus belajar. Man jadda wajadda!" 

I have to finish my BUGEMM now.

Minggu, 16 September 2012

Happy Birthday Kak Windy... :)

Apapun permintaan aku pasti ditanggepin sama kakak...
Setiap bantuan itu, kakak kasih dengan ikhlas sama aku.
Tapi, ya kak, juniormu ini, masih sangat terbatas dalam segala hal.
Termasuk, soal BUGEMM.

Walaupun gitu, aku bakalan berusaha
I'll be better than now, just like what you did.
Be a nice person, a great sister, a friendly friend.
For all people and you :).

Happy Birthday my cute and beautiful sister kak Windy Yolandini...
Wish you all the best.
There's someone out there that loves you and waiting for you.

NB: kado nyusul ya kak.. :D kak, aku tau loh siapa yang nyerching kakak.. :D

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Tag dari Nada -_-

11 hal tentang gue :
1. Perempuan
2. Berbadan bongsor tapi lahir setahun lebih muda dari yang orang-orang pikirkan
3. Suka stand up comedy
4. Suka penulis komedi kayak Raditya Dika, Ferdiriva Hamzah, dll.
5. Nada itu sesuatu (terpaksa nulis ini)
6. Ikut ekskul mengenai budaya Jepang di sekolah walaupun bukan otaku
7. Cinta Indonesia dengan cara memakai batik sebagai mukena
8. Dipanggil kuntil, kunskuns, kuskus, lalat, latip, dan banyak lagi. Have many nicknames
9. Sangat suka dengan sistem kerajaan Inggris
10. Sangat ingin mengunjungi BUCKINGHAM PALACE
11. Ingin mendapat gelar HRH (Her Royal Highness) walaupun tidak mungkin.

11 pertanyaan dari Nada:
1. Lebih baik jatuh cinta diam-diam atau jatuh cinta ngomong-ngomong tapi bertepuk sebelah tangan?
Mending diem-diem, kalo ngomong-ngomong tapi bertepuk sebelah tangan itu beban malunya luar biasa.
2. Suka politik nggak? Kenapa?
Suka sih nggak, tapi kalo ngikutin perkembangannya iya. Karena politik adalah salah satu alat untuk memajukan bangsa (y)

3. Punya hewan peliharaan? Atau punya hewan peliharaan idaman? Apa itu?
Gak punya. Pengen punya burung hantu. YOU KNOW ME SO WELL NADA, you know what I mean.

4. Cita-cita kamu?
Jadi dokter patologi anatomi, supaya gak berhadapan langsung dengan pasien yang tidak tahu apa-apa tapi ngomeeeel melulu.

Ambil pisau, cari di mana tempat lemak di tubuhmu berada, potong bagian lemak tersebut. That's diet!

6. Bagusan olah raga panahan atau kempo?
Panahan, karena aku mengikuti panahan, jadi panahan lebih bagus.

7. Mana yang lebih baik, melakukan untuk diri sendiri atau untuk orang yang kamu cintai? Kenapa?
Orang yang gue cintai, karena dengan melakukan itu kita juga bakalan seneng dan ngerasa bahagia, the same feel if we doing something for ourselves.

8. Pernah jatuh cinta setengah mati gak?
Kagak pernah, gue pernahnya cinta monyet.

 9. Suka boys love atau yaoi atau shounen ai gak? Kenapa? Kepana?
 No. You're the one who loves something like that

10. Menurut kamu kenapa kebanyakan manusia mau jadi dokter?
Karena dokter banyak duit. .-.

11. Pilih Sukarno atau Suharto? Kenapa?
Gimana kalo Sukarto? JK deng. Gue rasa sih mending Suharto, soalnya dia ngebangun Indonesia banget dan bikin Indonesia jadi macan asia walaupun korupsi dan penyelewengannya super duper banyak.

and there it is. I've done what you asked to do, Nada.

resep kue biji nangka

Resep kuae biji nangka berikut ini adalah resep kue yang terbuat dari bahan utama biji nangka. Resep kue biji nangka yang rasanya enak saya ketengahkan mengigat manfaat buah nangka untuk kesehatan yang hebat.

Untuk melihat manfaat pohon nangka secara keseluruhan, yaitu manfaat nangka tidak hanya terdapat pada buahnya saja melainkan juga bisa terdapat pada biji, getah, dan kayunya, silahkan bisa dilihat post manfaat buah nangka.

oke, lanjut. Kali ini saya akan membahas resep kue biji nangka yang enak. Baiklah, langkah pertama anda harus menyediakan bahan-bahan untuk membuat kue ini sebagai berikut:

  • 200 gr biji nangka, cincang, sangan hingga kering
  • 100 gr gula bubuk
  • 1/4 sdt garam
  • 1/2 sdt banana esens
  • 1/4 sdt vanili
  • 4 sdm air untuk melembabkan kue

Cara membuat:
  1. Pertama, masukkan biji nangka yang telah disangan ke dalam drymild, lalu haluskan sampai halus.
  2. Kemudian campur gula dan tepung biji nangka, lalu tambahkan vanili dan garam, dan aduk rata sambil diperciki air sedikit demi sedikit.
  3. Terakhir, bentuklah dengan menggunakan cetakan kue satu sampai padat dan mempunyai bentuk seperti cetakan. Keluarkan dari cetakan, susun rapi dalam loyang kemudian jemur.

Resep Kue Biji Nangka

Kebanyakan blog membahas kue biji nangka ini tidak memakai bahan biji nangka pada bahan-bahannya, melainkan rebusan kentang. Jadi kebanyakan blog menyebutnya kue biji nangka itu karena memiliki bentuk yang mirip dengan biji nangka.

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Asal-usul Ketupat.

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 H, Minal Aidin Wal Faizin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin.

Met lebaran ya, selamat mendapatkan & memakai baju baru, selamat menaikkan berat badan, selamat menebalkan isi dompet dan selamat sungkem-sungkeman...  :)

I'm going to tell you about 'asal-usul ketupat'. Tradisi ketupat (kupat) lebaran menurut cerita adalah simbolisasi ungkapan dari bahasa Jawa ku =ngaku (mengakui) dan pat = lepat (kesalahan) yang digunakan oleh Sunan Kalijaga dalam mensyiarkan ajaran Islam di Pulau Jawa yang pada waktu itu masih banyak yang meyakini kesakralan kupat. Asilmilasi budaya dan keyakinan ini akhirnya mampu menggeser kesakralan ketupat menjadi tradisi Islami ketika ketupat menjadi makanan yang selalu ada di saat umat Islam merayakan lebaran sebagai momen yang tepat untuk saling meminta maaf dan mengakui kesalahan. Ketupat sendiri menurut para ahli memiliki beberapa arti, diantaranya adalah mencerminkan berbagai macam kesalahan manusia, dilihat dari rumitnya anyaman bungkus ketupat. Yang kedua, mencerminkan kebersihan dan kesucian hati setelah mohon ampun dari segala kesalahan, dilihat dari warna putih ketupat jika dibelah dua. Yang ketiga mencerminkan kesempurnaan, jika dilihat dari bentuk ketupat. Semua itu dihubungkan dengan kemenangan umat Muslim setelah sebulan lamanya berpuasa dan akhirnya menginjak hari yang fitri. 


Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Dirgahayu Indonesia Yang Ke-67!!! Dirgahayu Bangsaku!

Memang agak telat dari yang seharusnya. It's a little late. Tapi gak apa-apa, toh 18 Agustus bersejarah juga kok, saat di mana Indonesia dibagi jadi 8 provinsi, UUD dibuat, Soekarno-Hatta kepilih jadi presiden, dll. Dan juga hal penting lainnya, tanggal 18 Agustus adalah hari yang sangat bersejarah untuk orang yang lahir pada tanggal 18 Agustus. Dirgahayu Indonesia!

Kemaren gue ikut Paduan Suara di 'Upacara Kemerdekaan' di Benteng Kuto Besak. Tingkat kota, dan gue dateng dengan jas ijo gue khas anak jubel. Gue pun dengan lantangnya menyanyikan beberapa lagu dengan teman-teman, walaupun suara gue cuma nyangkut di alto. Asik, tapi pidatonya panjang bener. Apalagi saat pembagian penghargaan 'Satya Adi.. blablablabla'. Pokoknya yang gue inget dari protokolnya cuma "yang namanya disebutkan dimohon untuk mengabdikan diri&seterusnya, melaksanakan&seterusnya, menghargai&seterusnya, blablablabla&seterusnya. Semua kata pake '&seterusnya'. It's awkward, you know.
Then, waktu lagi nunggu komandan upacaranya balik ke tempat, gue noleh ke belakang ngeliatin si Miye yang mukanya banyol abis saat itu, tiba-tiba refleks aja gitu gue ketawa sekali tawa dengan nada tinggi dan volume yang cukup besar sehingga barisan alto rata-rata noleh semua ke gue. Malu euy. Dan seakan-akan kena kutukan, abis itu gue langsung cegukan berkesinambungan tanpa henti dengan interval tertentu. -_- Ribet. Pokoknya setelah itu gue gak bisa ngomong karena bakalan aneh dengernya, gue diem aja. Akhirnya gue minum, tapi emang sebelumnya gue gak puasa gara-gara sakit malaria gue yang masih kayak ombak laut bener, kadang pasang, kadang surut.

Pulang jam 10 lewat naek TM. Pas sampe rumah, gue sadar, I have the next important thing to do : MUDIK. Gue ngecek lagi koper gue. Baju, celana, gamis, jilbab, mukena, sejadah, daleman (ini penting sekali), alat mandi, make-up abal-abal, wadah peniti dan bros, dan hafalan Bahasa Jepang gue. Ya, bahasa Jepang gue disuruh ngafalin 46 huruf hiragana, ya walaupun sebagian udah dihafalin di kelas, tapi tetep aja, 46. 46 itu banyak.. -_-
Akhirnya jam 3 sore gue berangkat bareng uwak gue dan segenap keluarga yang laen, tapi ya udahlah, nikmatin aja. Sepanjang perjalanan kerjaan gue makan, baca buku Negeri 5 Menara, tidur. What a beautiful moment. Kalo gue di asrama, boro-boro, tidur di masjid nyolong-nyolong 10 detik aja kena semprot, apalagi begituan, wah, diceburin di empang kali.
Nyampe juga jam 2 pagi. Ya sekitar 10-12 jam. Gue langsung tidur dan ngelupain semua koper gue di mobil. Hasil: kena marah uwak gue.
Tapi penyakit gue yang laen kambuh. PMS! ya gue kena mens saat H-1. Berarti, gue gak akan sholat Ied. Kurang ajar, tapi harus tetep bersyukur.

Dan sekarang gue ada di rumah tante gue dan I'm going to bed after it's done.

Mata tinggal 5 watt,

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Failed (as disappointing as Nada's)

It was a hard day when I saw 'Lathifah Nadiah .................. Tidak Lulus' My head is going to explode but it made me had a right-sided headache, and I lose all those happy moment in the dorm.

I had a bad hair day this week (except the BUBAR part), and it's like DUAAAARRRR!!! All around were useless for me and then, it is end in BUBAR part.

Okay, start from the acceleration test result. I was finished my extracurricular activities: Shokura (Seventeen Nihon Konbura) which in that time had rose origami. Then, when I go back to the dorm, Echa (my friend in the class, she joined the test too) told me that the result was sticked on the announcement board. I go there, and found out: I'm failed to join acceleration class. Okay, It doesn't matter at the begin. Then I go back to my dorm and I was still thinking of that and the result, I got a right-sided headache at Ashar prayer. I was fasting that time and I have to hold it 'till Maghrib. I can't just stand up and said "I'm fine, it doesn't matter." It's a big deal, it's about my mom, my future, my family financial, and many more. Yeah, you know, it made me stress and finally, can't wake up and slept all that long. My friend Suci and Rahma told the nurse that I'm sicked and she asked me to have a bed rest. But I can't still stop my tears.

The next day is a big day : The Leader of Student Association Election. I was gave my choice to Kak Fatur, but there was someone force me to vote for Kak Akbor (you don't have to know who is that person). But finally I vote number 2. Then, when the election counting time came, the result is Kak Fatur was lose, and Kak Akbor won.

The next day is the happy moment: BUKA BERSAMA X.EYURO and X.ELENDANG. It was fun and made me get closer to the senior... Thanks kak!!!!


Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012



It was the hardest day of Latdis, although it was at home. My mom and my family picked me up and brought me home. And I massaged by a very professional massagger that gave me an unforgettable pain.
2 days passed. I go back to school. The seniors asked me to resting in the health center to preparing my self for the next event. And when the lunch time came, as usual, there are some voices that made the senior get mad. And also, the punishment, pompa.

The next day was homestay. It's the one of the most wanted moment of Latdis. But for me, it's not that special so I can't wait for it. But it's more fun that the other moment.
The first day of Latdis. I go there by Transmusi Bus. Kak Syifa (@syifashabirah) told me that when she followed the homestay in her time, she goes there by an old bus. Without AC. So she said that my generation can be called 'lucky'. Next, I found out that my home mate are Dina, Rere, Anes (my room mate in the dorm), Emil (she is girl, I know, her name sounds like boy's name), Arum, Novi, and Ambar. And my coordinator is Kak Syifa. The first time I saw Kak Syifa's phone, there's her photo with a boy besides her and I felt familiar with his face. But I don't know who is he.

The next day I played 'Truth or Dare' with my group and find out that the boy on the photo is Kak M. Raka Dwi Darma, the 'Pak Lurah' of Parisanda. And then I found out that Kak Syifa is 'Bu Lurah' of Parisanda herself. It's the one of their photo.

It's the most happy moment in Latdis, there is no cry, there is no sickness.

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012




God, this is the one of the most happy moment in my life. It was a hard day when I go there and found out that I have to wake up at 3 a.m. It's really weird but I swear, THE MOST TIRING MOMENT IS WHEN I'M EATING IN LUNCH ROOM!

Yeah, have lunch must be a fun time. But in the reality, no. I have to used the table manner. THERE MUST BE NO VOICE WHEN WE'RE EATING. God, it's shocking every time someone make a voice. All seniors will screaming and get mad at anyone in the room, whereas only one at fault. And all juniors will had a punishment from that. Push-up or "pompa" (it seems like scout jump, but we don't have to change our feet position when we're jumping).

And there's an accident. A damn accident. A foolish accident that shouldn't happen. It was night, and we had night gathered. There are two students that go to the canteen, while it's forbidden. When the seniors asked who are that, there's no one confess. Yeah, we had to ran around the masjid. And in that time, the boys dorm were filling up their water tank by a hose from masjid. To blocked the hose, they used a wood rod. When I ran, I didn't see it. And guess what, I fall down. With the wrong position. My left foot was folded like sitting position in sholat and it was pain me so much. God, it's the one of the sickest pain.
Then, with my stupidness, I continued my run and finally stop in front of my dorm. I sat down and straighten out my legs. It's hurt! And when the seniors asked me to stand up, the only foot that I can used that time is the right one. Yes, the left one was rigid and can't be moved. And some seniors come to me and holding my left foot strongly. AARRRGGHHH!!! I knew they wanted to help me, but it's gave me an unforgettable pain. And because of the pain, I forget how much pain of my leg which was massaged by a senior. I just can crying and scream "Astaghfirullah hal azim", "Sakit kak!!!", and "Ma!!!". And I don't know which senior is it, a female senior come to me and hug me and saying that is not hurt, I have to be strong. God, I hope she have all your kindness for the rest of her life because was helping me. That's so helping, but I don't know who is she because I closed my eyes when I was massaged. God, I loved her for all inside herself.
And I saw there some others who tranced and screaming all senior that they loved and they hated. The next morning, I found out that some of them were acting.
Then, my room mate were carrying me to the masjid. Thanks a lot guys, you helped me a lot. I don't know how if I didn't helped by them. And for your information I'm 57 kg. Imagine how tiring them when they carried me.
And also thanks to the nurses to helped me to reduce my pain. I thought it's just a pain. And to Bi Sum too, she also massaged me in that time! Thanks, Bi Sum!
Then, Sir Usman told the juniors to don't acting about the trance. And when the others go to the dorm and I was the rest, Sir Usman says "Kalau besok keadaannya masih begini, kita bawa dia ke rumah sakit." WHAT? HOSPITAL? I DON'T WANT TO LOST MY LATDIS!!! I DON'T WANT TO HAVE A SPECIAL RIGHT! DON'T!!!

And tomorrow morning, what I thought about my feet was wrong. It's not just only ordinary pain, but my joint in my feet was moved. So I fall down when I had morning gathering. Then I carried by senior to the health center. Thanks again to the seniors, you guys so helping me. And then the nurse asking my parent number. I said, "Bu, aku gak mau gagal latdis. Aku gak mau pulang." The nurse was confused, and asking the senior, and she said that it's better for me to go home and cure my feet. And then they called my mom and bring me home.

It's so sucking. Sorry, I'm sorry. Sorry.

Special thanks for:

- The seniors:

  • Kak Dila
  • Kak Dela
  • Kak Anti
  • Kak Alya
  • Kak Intan
  • Kak Eta
  • Kak Tarin
  • Boys senior
-My room mate:

  • Tyas
  • Decca
  • Anes (Thank you so much Nes, you agree to exchange our bed!)
  • Ade (Thank you De, thanks)
  • Ken
  • Yiyi
  • Cimon
-Bi Sum
-The nurses
-Sir Usman
-My Pleton Senior : Kak Syifa and Kak Aab
-My Pleton friend (Pleton 6)
-My family, of course
-The mysterious senior who helped me, thanks a lot, Kak!


Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Nada... Nada... Nada...


Buat Nada, selamat ulang tahun/ happy birthday/ gute zum geburtstag/ สุขสันต์วันเกิด/ felix natalis (I don't know why 'felix', is that means 'cat'?).

Semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu, tambah pinter biar bisa ngajarin gue, makin cantik, apa lagi ya? Cepet dapet cowok deh.

Hadiah lo itu yang di atas tadi yang lo baca...

Is it cool?


Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter


I was watched a movie with my friends, Nada, Intan, Siti, Zabila, Ghita, and Santi. That was Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

My ticket was paid by Nada. It's awesome. I'm still can't believe that Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of United State of America was a vampire hunter. It's wonderful when he killed all the vampires and passed the scary scene. It was so embarrassing when I want to eat popcorn but it's failed because I was surprised when Barts looking at the little Abe. It was so spooky. His face, I can't describe it. It's so scary.

But it's great to see Abe who against the slavery in America. It's so amaze when I saw him speaking in the courtroom to erased the slavery. It's wow when he said, "During a slave isn't free, we're still enslaved." (maybe, I forgot the English) Yeah, it's true. Everybody were born with the same right, the same obligation, the same treatment, and the same degree. There's no one can have more right if the others not. There's no one who can be more special if the others not. It's called an emancipation.

It was also great when Nada paid us for lunch. I tried to use a chopstick when I ate noodles. Finally, I can. But it's a little bit hard when I want to take a meatball. -_-

There's no word to say anymore.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

*Breath Breath*

She's really mad at me... Really mad. I can't hold it anymore. It begins to kill me.
It's fine, everybody can put their opinion at me.
*breath breath*

These all things begins to kill me. I'm deadly serious. She, the 3R, futsal, boys opinion about my appearance and anything else. UUUURRRRGGGGHHH!

I used to skip this part. This is too sensitive to being discussed.

The 3R. Rais was sent me a message that told me the 3R must be submitted in 3 days. And I'm not start it yet. What the fuck. I think I want to make a model of a farm with milk bottle, plastic cup, old newspaper, and anything else that were touched by my brother. And I'm just finished made the windmill.

Futsal. Today was a fun day when me and my team won a game with 9.4 class and go to the final. But when I know who is our rival, it's turning to a terrible thing. It's 9.5 class! It's the class of ***. And I don't know how to blocked her when she's going to make a goal. Because I'm the back player, I have to block her whatever the way. I hope she's not going to remind me about our, yeah, bad friendship you can say.

The boys opinion. When I was waiting  for the public transportation, Roywa and Darul met me and asked about my changing in appearance. It's awkward to heard them said that I'm looks like a languish widow, that have 26 children. God, is it the barrier to be a better person?

Actually there are so many things in my head that I need to shared but I think it will make a new problem. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, that, I'm going to go to SMA 17 on June 23rd.

Itu Edgar. Adeknya bang Dika. Ganteng ya. Entah kenapa gue suka banget dia di foto ini.

Udah segitu dulu deh, entah kenapa gue hari ini maksa banget nulis post make bahasa Inggris. Emang lagi nafsu kagak bisa ditahan.

Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

LULUS... LULUS... ~~



Gosh, gue udah tegang mikirin ini semua... Berarti kagak sia-sia gue belajar ampe dua gelas kopi habis tiap malem... Kagak sia-sia gue gak les biola tuh hari... Kagak sia-sia nggak maen laptop... Pokoknya kagak sia-sia semua.

Tapi misalnya ya, kalo gak lulus itu bukan berarti perjuangan kita selama 3 tahun itu gak ada artinya... Gak lulus itu berarti kita belom siap belajar di SMA dan harus mempersiapkan diri lagi selama setahun buat ke SMA-nya. Karena kalo menurut gue sih, UN itu cuma sebagai pen-standar kita aja.

Maksudnya gue pen-standar itu gini. Coba bayangin yang nentuin kita lulus itu cuma sebuah UAS yang di tiap sekolah beda-beda standarnya. Kagak fair banget kan misalnya murid yang ada di sekolah akreditasi tinggi dan standarnya bagus ujian kelulusannya soal persamaan kuadrat, aljabar, dan laen-laen yang susah, terus murid di sekolah yang belum mendapat akreditasi dan kualitasnya belum bagus, ujian kelulusannya cuma luas persegi, luas segitiga, perkalian, penambahan??? Kagak fair kan?

Terus kagak fair juga kan kalo misalnya UN cuma dibuat berdasarkan standar internasional, mereka yang dipelosok itu gimana? Mereka aja belum tentu lancar bahasa Indonesia, apalagi bahasa Inggris. Gak fair bagi mereka kan?

Makanya gue disini berstatement bahwa UN itu bukan untuk ditakuti, tapi untuk dijalani aja. Kagak ada kan orang yang gak lulus UN harus berhenti sekolah terus kagak bisa sekolah lagi. Kagak ada kan orang yang gak lulus UN langsung gak punya detak jantung lagi terus mati kan? Kagak ada! Jadi jangan ditakuti! Gue udah membuktikan itu.

Terus gue juga memutuskan untuk tidak memakai satu contekan pun saat UN. Karena gue yakin, hasil sendiri pasti lebih berpahala daripada yang nggak, walaupun at the last hasilnya kagak besar-besar. At least, it's the result of my intelligence, not a cheat. Banyak bener di malem gue UN masuk sms jawaban yang rata-rata baru gue buka paginya. Tapi gue yakin, gue udah cukup belajar dan bisa lulus karena diri sendiri. Dan pada akhirnya, gue pun lulus. Itu 'kunci' yang sebenarnya.

Gue mulai mempersiapkan diri untuk masuk SMA. Alhamdulillah, Allah menakdirkan gue masuk SMA 17, jadi gue harus belajar mandiri, tanpa mama gue yang ngebantu gue dalam segala hal, dan tanpa susu Ultramilk setiap harinya. T_T  Ya, gue masih merasa membutuhkan susu itu bener buat ninggiin badan gue. Tinggi gue cuma 160-an cin --". Di sana sih dikasih susu, cuma gue kagak tau mereknya apa dan dikasih cuma sekali seminggu. Gue yang minum tiap hari aja susah ninggi, apa lagi cuma sekali seminggu... -_____-

Koper yang bakalan gue pake ke SMA adalah koper mama gue, yang anehnya dia aja kagak tau berapa kunci kopernya. --" Terus gue bingung mau beli lemari yang pegimana. Gue mau beli yang plastik, ntar pada beli yang kayu. Gue beli yang kayu ntar pada beli yang plastik... Confused.

Udah deh segitu dulu.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012


Hari ini terasa labil bener karena dua hal yang sebenernya disebabkan oleh satu hal : adek gue.

Adek gue ngeselin lah pokoknya. Saking keselnya gue jadi lupa kronologinya gimana. Singkat cerita adek gue bikin gue kagak bisa ke rumah Intan buat latihan perpisahan TNT. Anjirrrr!!!!

Lalu sorenya, gue yang sedang mencuci baju bareng mama gue tiba-tiba dikejutkan dengan adek gue yang nangis-nangis yang over begitu sambil marah-marah. Pas mama gue nanya kenapa, dia bilang katanya dia dipukul ama orang yang lagi maen bola deket musholla. Ya mama gue otomatis naek darah ngedenger begituan.  Terus dia nyuruh gue datengin tuh orang buat ngajar dia.

Gue mah orangnya males bener yang beginian, datengin orang buat kesalahan yang bukan merugikan gue. Ya, daripada gue kena marah ama mama gue, mending gue pergi ngeliatin adek gue aja yang ngajar tuh orang. Pas gue ama adek gue yang udah bawa raket bulutangkis (buat senjata maksudnya, gue tau kok, cemen banget kan?) mau datengin tuh orang, tiba-tiba adek gue ngomong "Pulang aja, yuk." Anjing, gue udah capek-capek keluar rumah, kagak ada hasilnya taunya. Heck!

Terus pas ditanyain mama gue, ya gue jawab aja, "Dianya takut, ma." Mama gue malah marah ama gue, dan berniat untuk datengin tuh orang langsung. Terus sebelum mama gue pergi dia nanya ama adek gue, "Dia beneran mukul Idris pake kayu? Mana yang dipukul?". Terus adek gue jawab, "Ya, dia itu nah, gak bener banget. Ngarah-ngarahin kayu ke Idris kaya mau mukul Idris."


Jadi, adek gue nangis-nangis ngerengek cuma gara-gara begituan. Gue kirain tuh orang mukul adek gue pake ranting pohon yang besar gitu, eh ini mah disentuh aja kagak udah nangis duluan. Adek gue, ..... aduh!!!

Udah deh segitu dulu.

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

5 Tahun~~!!!


Gue baru aja iseng-iseng ngeliat traffic views blog gue dan menyadari bahwa blog gue ini telah berumur 5 tahun!!! Seneng bener rasanya udah ngeblog selama 4 tahun walaupun jarang ada yang ngeliat... --" Tapi, emang tujuan gue buat ini mah pengen mengekspresikan aja apa yang ada di pikiran gue selama ini gitu...

Karena ini adalah ultah blog gue, gue akan flashback mengenai blog gue tercinta ini....

Blog gue dibuat sekitar bulan Mei 2008 (sebenernya gue kagak inget pasti, tapi di traffic views-nya begitu). Dan sampe sekarang udah ada sekitar belasan ribu views yang gue kagak hafal berapa jumlah pastinya.

Gue mah baru inget ya dulu gue sempet privatin nih blog gara-gara gue sempet suka ama seseorang yang tau soal blog gue ini.... Hadeh. Tapi ujung-ujungnya dia tau karena dia nyolong-nyolong ngeliat lewat hape orang yang gue percayain buat baca nih blog. Pengen mati rasanya gue saat itu... --"

Gue juga inget saat pertama kali pake template klasik, gue maksa-maksa Dara buat ngasih tau gimana cara ngerubah template. Gue yang saat itu sedang sangat sangat labil maksa-maksa dia bener dan ngemention twitternya ampe 5 kali... Malu juga kalo gue nginget-nginget soal itu...

Terus gue dengan narsisnya minta link nih blog (saat itu namanya belum dipromotin di blognya Nada, Rifdah, Bahitah, dan lain-lain, juga dengan agak sedikit maksa....

Nih gue baru aja mengulang masa alay gue dengan minta exchange link ama orang Malay. Omona, gue numpang narsis bener sih... -_-

That's the short story of my blog in the fifth anniversary!
Segitu dulu deh!

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Konser Lady Gaga(l)?


Gue baru denger tadi saat gue bangun tidur dan melihat TV katanya Big Daddy (Promotor konser Lady Gaga) ngebatalin konser? Finally ad juga keputusan. Tapi, bukannya gue setuju dengan keputusan itu. Gue gak juga pro seandainya memang Lady Gaga jadi konser di Indonesia. I'm not in anybody's side.

Gue cuma beranggapan begini. Seandainya memang gue adalah little monster yang udah beli tiket, gue juga gak terlalu kecewa kalo Lady Gaga gak jadi konser (asal dibalikin aja duitnya, gila gak balikin apa jadinya dunia?). Soalnya kalo menurut gue, kagak tau kalo yang laen, yang terpenting itu KEAMANAN. Keamanan bakalan terwujud kalo ada yang namanya KERJA SAMA. Kerja sama tuh butuh PERSETUJUAN dari BANYAK PIHAK. Kalo satu pihak aje udah kagak setuju, gue rasa kagak mungkin tuh konser aman. Mana kali ini bukan cuma satu pihak euy, banyak yang kagak setuju.

Gue tadi siang beli batik buat ntar perpisahan, warna biru, bawahnya ada layer-layer gitu, suka. Cuma kata mama gue kependekan. What do you think? (Gue belum bisa nunjukin gambarnya, some technical problem like usual)

Udah sampe segitu dulu aja deh. Besok gue bakalan ngambil undangan kelulusan.

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Special Ability

Gue baru aja baca special ability para vampire di dan interested banget gitu ama semuanya. Nih kira-kira yang gue baca...

Quantifiable supernatural talentsEdit
Edward Cullen
Edward's gift allows him to hear/see the thoughts of other people, whether vampire or humans, except for Bella and, to a lesser extent, Charlie. The ability seems to behave much like an extra sense and, like the other senses, is likely not under conscious control, though he has learned how to use it. Edward can hear groups at a time, although he has stated that he has learned to drown out extra voices by focusing on one in particular. The closer or more familiar Edward is to a vampire, human, or wolf's mind the better or clearer he can hear them. A stronger bond also allows him to hear them from a greater distance, though no greater than a few miles. Like Alice, Edward's ability seems to work best with other vampires. He can also keep track of people within a few miles telepathically.
Edward found most of the minds of kids in Forks High School to be unimaginative, but couldn't hear what Bella was thinking at all. He also had the displeasure of reading Jacob's mind. In Twilight, Edward was able to save Bella from a group of men who were going to attack her because he could read what they were planning.He knew MikeEric, and Tyler were all going to ask Bella to the dance, but didn't know what her response would be to any of them. InBreaking Dawn, Edward used his ability while confronting the Volturi to know their plans and intentions.
Alice Cullen
Alice can see into the future. It is unclear whether the ability is sensorial, acting along the lines of hearing or sight, or she has conscious control over it. She can focus in on certain people or search for certain events. Her visions aren't perfect, as the final decisions regarding the future must already be made. This makes predictable things like the weather easy for her to read. She also can't see anything involved with the werewolves/shape-shifters or vampire hybrids.
In Twilight, Alice saw James in Bella's old dance studio in Phoenix, and Bella later being captured by him, once she decided to meet him there. In New Moon, Alice could see Edward's decision to provoke the Volturi but not exactly how he would do it, because he kept changing his mind. In Eclipse, Alice tells the family that the newborns are coming to fight them. In Breaking Dawn, Alice's ability allowed her to warn her family about the confrontation with the Volturi.
Jasper Hale
Jasper can feel the emotions of those around him as well as manipulate them according to his content. Jasper's gift is no illusion, Bella's shield would not protect against it. He likely consciously controls the manipulative aspect of the ability, but it is unclear whether he can do so also with the sensorial aspect of it.
In Twilight, when Bella was stressed caused by James tracking her, Jasper felt her anxiety and calmed her down, so much that she fell asleep. In Eclipse, Jasper used his power to temporarily calm everyone down when the the Cullens and the werewolves almost got into a fight.In Breaking Dawn, Jasper stayed near Bella after she had Renesmee because she was so happy and he was drawn to her positive feelings.
Bella Swan
Bella's gift is a mental shield. Bella's shield is so strong that it's been working without her knowing, most likely, since birth. It protects her from "gifts" that affect the mind. Edward can't read her mind,Jane can't cause her pain and Kate can't shock her. Through practice, Bella learned she could expand her shield in order to protect others when she became a vampire, causing them to become immune to mental gifts. Although at first it was quite hard for her to maintain her coverage of others, she was soon able to cover a great distance and a large number of people with ease. Bella can expand, retract, shape and mold her gift at will; virtually blanketing herself and those she's protecting. Although much more straining to her, Bella can also lift her shield off of her mind altogether. This allowed Edward to read her mind for the first time, thus bringing them even closer. Her learning to manipulate her gift indicates it is under her conscious control.
In Breaking Dawn, Bella shielded herself and her allies in the battle against the Volturi. At the end ofBreaking Dawn, Bella lowered her shield allowing Edward to read her mind.
Renesmee Cullen
Renesmee's gifts seem to be the opposite versions of her parents' abilities. She has the power to break through mental shields, and project her visions and thoughts into others by making physical contact with them. There are indications they are under her conscious control.
In Breaking Dawn, Renesmee used her ability to transfer her thoughts into Bella after she woke up as a vampire, in order to let her mother know about herself. She also used her talent to show the visiting vampires her side of the story.
Aro can see all the thoughts someone has ever had upon physical contact with them. The longer the contact, the more Aro is able to see others' thoughts. Like Edward, he can't reach Bella's thoughts.
In New Moon, when Bella was in Italy, Aro attempted to hear her thoughts but failed, just as Edward cannot read Bella's mind. InBreaking Dawn, Aro uses his talent to read Edward's mind, and thus saw the thoughts he had read in everyone else's mind.
Marcus can sense relationships between people.
In New Moon, Marcus lets Aro know about the intensity of Bella and Edward's relationship.
Didyme had an aura that allowed her to project an atmosphere of happiness affecting all around her.
Didyme's aura of happiness that affected anyone nearby caused Marcus to become happy, and therefore he fell in love with her. Her ability also caused Didyme herself to become happy.
According to The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide, Afton's power is to become mentally invisible to his pursuers. He can also use it to hide someone standing directly behind him. This power is very limited as it can be seen past by someone with a strong ability of focus.
Afton's gift wasn't strong enough to land him a spot in the Volturi by his own terms. He owes his spot in the guard to his more talented mate, Chelsea.
Alec can create a mist or fog which upon contact with someone paralyzes them and cuts off all, or some of their senses as he desires. This ability does not reach full effect instantly, as Jane's ability does, but creeps upon the victim.
In Breaking Dawn, Alec tries to cut off the Cullen's and their witnesses senses. It appeared as a mist, but had no effect on them due to Bella's shield.
Chelsea can strengthen or break emotional bonds and relationships. Though she can break the bond between allegiances, she cannot, as easily, break those as strong as family or true love.
In Breaking Dawn, Chelsea attempts to break up the relationships between the Cullens and their supporters, but is blocked out by Bella's shield. Chelsea is said to be useful to the Volturi and often breaks the ties between those the Volturi is eliminating making them easier to destroy. She also makes those who Aro wishes to join the Volturi feel an affinity for them.
According to The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide, Corin possesses the ability to make others feel content and happy, though it has a side effect that renders her victims feel ill when she doesn't use it.
Corin uses her gift to make the wives feel happy while being trapped in their castle.
Demetri can find anyone anywhere in the world once he's been in their presence and "tasted" their mind. He is a million times more gifted in tracking than James and Alistair, but cannot track Bella due to her shield.
At the end of New Moon, Emmett, Jasper and Edward joke about hiding Bella because Demetri won't be able to find her since her mental shield prevents him from tracking her.
Physical attraction
According to The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide, Heidi's physical features are supported by her power to be physically appealing to both human and vampire. When she tries to feel attractive, those who try to resist will have a difficult time ignoring her attraction.
Heidi uses her gift to attract "food" for the Volturi.
Pain illusion
Jane projects the illusion of being in extremely intense physical pain into others minds, thus incapacitating them. The pain that Jane inflicts is described as being like "burning" inside of the victim.
In New Moon, Jane used her ability on Edward who tried to prevent her from using it on Bella. This caused him to collapse on the floor in imaginary pain. In Eclipse, Jane inflicted her talent on the young vampire Bree to force her to tell the truth about the vampire wreckage in Seattle.In Breaking Dawn, Jane tries to inflict her gift upon Bella, but like her twin Alec, cannot pass Bella's shield.
Physical attack diversion
Renata causes anyone who approaches her in a way of aggression to become distracted and lose thought of what they're doing, causing them to wander off away from her. Like Bella, she can shield others.
In Breaking Dawn, Edward mentions Renata's ability and Bella wonders if it would work on her.
Visual projection
Zafrina can project a vision into others' minds. The vision can seem so real to the person impacted by them can easily forget that it's not real, extremely quickly. This power is most useful in clouding her target's vision.
In Breaking Dawn, Zafrina kept Renesmee entertained by showing her pretty pictures, causing Renesmee to become very attached to her.
Ability identification
Eleazar can sense the type and strength of supernatural gifts that certain humans or vampires have both before and after his or her vampiric transformation.
Eleazar used to be a member of the Volturi and he would help by telling Aro which humans would become useful vampires, in other words, who also had gifts and abilities. Aro sometimes sent him across the world to look for more gifted people.
In Breaking Dawn, Eleazar was the first person to identify Bella's ability as a shield even though he couldn't be specific because she was then unconsciously blocking her mind from him.
Mental electrical current
Kate can cover her body with an electrical current. Upon physical contact while her gift is in use, depending on the power she puts into it, the person can feel as little as static shock or great enough to cause their knees to buckle and have them on their backs. Because this talent doesn't effect Bella, the current most likely sends a signal to the brain which would be a similar effect to Jane's gift.
Immediately after Kate's sister Irina was killed in Breaking Dawn, Kate shocked three people who tried to stop her from attacking the Volturi: Rosalie, who crumpled to the ground, Emmett, who threw Kate to the ground before his knees gave out, and Garrett, who locked his arms around her causing his body to spasm and his eyes to roll back in his head as Kate shocked him.
Benjamin's ability allows him to physically manipulate the four elements of nature with his will: fire, water, air, and earth. His talent is not an illusion so Bella's shield would not stand against it.
In Breaking Dawn, Benjamin practiced near the river by the Cullen's house while Bella was training by creating gusts of wind and fountains of water from the nearby river.
Lie detection
Maggie can tell if she is being lied to. She can also tell if someone is lying by movement or facial expression.
In Breaking Dawn, Maggie comes with her coven to meet Renesmee. After Edward tells her what happens she declared that Edward spoke the truth and Siobhan and Liam believed Edward before they even touched Renesmee.
Outcome manipulation
Siobhan can manipulate the outcome of a situation by wanting or concentrating hard enough on how she wants it to turn out.
During Breaking Dawn, Siobhan wished that the confrontation with the Volturi would not turn out to be a fight. As it turned out, she was correct as the Volturi left without attacking anyone.
Tracking sense
James could predict the most probable movements of his prey's next step and then follow his hunches to find them.
In Twilight, James uses his talent to track Bella and find her old home.
Enhanced self-preservation
Victoria had the instinctive need to keep herself alive. It allowed her to realize when to evade danger as well as if the place she ran to was safe or not. The meaning of the term self-preservationist defined as: instinctive need to do what is necessary to survive danger.
In Twilight, Victoria knows when to escape once the Cullens killed James. In New Moon, Victoria escapes from the werewolves multiple times when she is hunting Bella.
Physical repulsion
Fred was confirmed by The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide to possess the ability to make those around him feel physically repulsed. He can also make them feel repulsed even by thinking about him.
In The Short Second Life of Bree TannerRaoul and his boys are about to pick a fight with Breewhen Fred utilizes his gift, causing most of them to flee the room while others just left them alone.
Enhanced leadership
Raoul possessed the limited ability to be viewed by weak-minded underlings as their leader.
In The Short Second Life of Bree TannerDiego mentioned his power to Bree Tanner, but they dismissed it.
Tracking sense
Alistair possesses the ability to sense any living thing and their distance in relation to him. He feels a pull in the direction of the thing he is seeking, but it takes a long time to narrow down to one specific place.
He could sense the enormous presence of the Volturi coming in Breaking Dawn, and fled because of it.
Lie detection
Charles can tell if someone is lying to him.
In Breaking Dawn, Charles gives witness that Garrett's speech was the truth before quickly leaving with his mate, Makenna.
Unnamed power
Amadou Ly has confirmed that Henri shows the power to "flick people away"; whose name and function are however not yet known.

Other talentsEdit

These vampires have abilities that are not quantifiably supernatural.
Edward Cullen
Edward's gift is advanced speed, running faster than any other member of the Cullens and other vampires.
During the game of vampire baseball inTwilight, Edward runs through the forest to retrieve the ball. InEclipse, Bella compares Edward's speed to Victoria's, saying 'she wheeled and flew like an arrow from a bow. But Edward was faster - a bullet from a gun.'
Rosalie Hale
Rosalie's gift is incredible beauty, which even surpasses a regular vampire. She is said to be the most attractive vampire in the world.
Heidi's incredible beauty is comparable to Rosalie's, supported by her gift to attract people, human or vampire. Because of this, she would often go out to find and attract "food" for the Volturi.
Emmett Cullen
Emmett's gift is extreme strength that surpasses a regular vampire. He is the strongest member of the Cullens, if not the entire world. But his strength can be easily conquered by a newborn vampire, such as Bella when she challenged him into arm wrestling.
During the game of vampire baseball inTwilight, Esme informs Bella that Emmett hits the hardest, while Edward runs the fastest.
Carlisle Cullen
Carlisle's gift is an elevated sense of compassion that allows him to resist human blood.
He is able to bite (in order to turn them) people without succumbing to the frenzy and killing them.
Esme Cullen
Esme's gift is to love those around her passionately.
She is able to welcome Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper into her home with open and caring arms; as well as Bella, a human girl her son Edward fell in love with.
Fighting and strength
Meyer has said that Felix's talent is his fighting and strength. No matter how good anyone else is in physical combat, Felix will always remain one, or most likely, several steps ahead of them. His physical strength is pretty much comparable to Emmett's.
In the New Moon film, when Edward tried to defend Bella, Felix quickly subdues him, throwing him to the ground, cracking the floor.
Bella Swan
Bella displays high level of self-control and concentration as a newborn vampire, something that most newborn vampires aren't able to do.
In Breaking Dawn, when she caught the scent of human hikers while hunting, she manages to retain control of herself and run away from the scent while holding her breath. When Charlie comes to visit after she changed, she finds her father's smell more attractive than the hikers and yet manages to remain in control.
Raoul had strength that surpassed that of regular vampires. He was one of the strongest newborns in Victoria's army, and the other newborns were usually frightened by this.
Raoul was able to win over and kill countless newborn members in thearmy

Keren kan? Kalo gue sih pengen punya mental shield, precognition, pathokinesis, ama self-control itu. Keren euy...

Udah deh segitu dulu.