Hari ini terasa labil bener karena dua hal yang sebenernya disebabkan oleh satu hal : adek gue.
Adek gue ngeselin lah pokoknya. Saking keselnya gue jadi lupa kronologinya gimana. Singkat cerita adek gue bikin gue kagak bisa ke rumah Intan buat latihan perpisahan TNT. Anjirrrr!!!!
Lalu sorenya, gue yang sedang mencuci baju bareng mama gue tiba-tiba dikejutkan dengan adek gue yang nangis-nangis yang over begitu sambil marah-marah. Pas mama gue nanya kenapa, dia bilang katanya dia dipukul ama orang yang lagi maen bola deket musholla. Ya mama gue otomatis naek darah ngedenger begituan. Terus dia nyuruh gue datengin tuh orang buat ngajar dia.
Gue mah orangnya males bener yang beginian, datengin orang buat kesalahan yang bukan merugikan gue. Ya, daripada gue kena marah ama mama gue, mending gue pergi ngeliatin adek gue aja yang ngajar tuh orang. Pas gue ama adek gue yang udah bawa raket bulutangkis (buat senjata maksudnya, gue tau kok, cemen banget kan?) mau datengin tuh orang, tiba-tiba adek gue ngomong "Pulang aja, yuk." Anjing, gue udah capek-capek keluar rumah, kagak ada hasilnya taunya. Heck!
Terus pas ditanyain mama gue, ya gue jawab aja, "Dianya takut, ma." Mama gue malah marah ama gue, dan berniat untuk datengin tuh orang langsung. Terus sebelum mama gue pergi dia nanya ama adek gue, "Dia beneran mukul Idris pake kayu? Mana yang dipukul?". Terus adek gue jawab, "Ya, dia itu nah, gak bener banget. Ngarah-ngarahin kayu ke Idris kaya mau mukul Idris."
Jadi, adek gue nangis-nangis ngerengek cuma gara-gara begituan. Gue kirain tuh orang mukul adek gue pake ranting pohon yang besar gitu, eh ini mah disentuh aja kagak udah nangis duluan. Adek gue, ..... aduh!!!
Udah deh segitu dulu.
Struggling in medschool, enjoying life and pain, preparing to save people's life
Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
Selasa, 29 Mei 2012
5 Tahun~~!!!
Gue baru aja iseng-iseng ngeliat traffic views blog gue dan menyadari bahwa blog gue ini telah berumur 5 tahun!!! Seneng bener rasanya udah ngeblog selama 4 tahun walaupun jarang ada yang ngeliat... --" Tapi, emang tujuan gue buat ini mah pengen mengekspresikan aja apa yang ada di pikiran gue selama ini gitu...
Karena ini adalah ultah blog gue, gue akan flashback mengenai blog gue tercinta ini....
Blog gue dibuat sekitar bulan Mei 2008 (sebenernya gue kagak inget pasti, tapi di traffic views-nya begitu). Dan sampe sekarang udah ada sekitar belasan ribu views yang gue kagak hafal berapa jumlah pastinya.
Gue mah baru inget ya dulu gue sempet privatin nih blog gara-gara gue sempet suka ama seseorang yang tau soal blog gue ini.... Hadeh. Tapi ujung-ujungnya dia tau karena dia nyolong-nyolong ngeliat lewat hape orang yang gue percayain buat baca nih blog. Pengen mati rasanya gue saat itu... --"
Gue juga inget saat pertama kali pake template klasik, gue maksa-maksa Dara buat ngasih tau gimana cara ngerubah template. Gue yang saat itu sedang sangat sangat labil maksa-maksa dia bener dan ngemention twitternya ampe 5 kali... Malu juga kalo gue nginget-nginget soal itu...
Terus gue dengan narsisnya minta link nih blog (saat itu namanya belum kuntilalatip.blogspot.com) dipromotin di blognya Nada, Rifdah, Bahitah, dan lain-lain, juga dengan agak sedikit maksa....
Nih gue baru aja mengulang masa alay gue dengan minta exchange link ama orang Malay. Omona, gue numpang narsis bener sih... -_-
That's the short story of my blog in the fifth anniversary!
Segitu dulu deh!
Gue baru aja iseng-iseng ngeliat traffic views blog gue dan menyadari bahwa blog gue ini telah berumur 5 tahun!!! Seneng bener rasanya udah ngeblog selama 4 tahun walaupun jarang ada yang ngeliat... --" Tapi, emang tujuan gue buat ini mah pengen mengekspresikan aja apa yang ada di pikiran gue selama ini gitu...
Karena ini adalah ultah blog gue, gue akan flashback mengenai blog gue tercinta ini....
Blog gue dibuat sekitar bulan Mei 2008 (sebenernya gue kagak inget pasti, tapi di traffic views-nya begitu). Dan sampe sekarang udah ada sekitar belasan ribu views yang gue kagak hafal berapa jumlah pastinya.
Gue mah baru inget ya dulu gue sempet privatin nih blog gara-gara gue sempet suka ama seseorang yang tau soal blog gue ini.... Hadeh. Tapi ujung-ujungnya dia tau karena dia nyolong-nyolong ngeliat lewat hape orang yang gue percayain buat baca nih blog. Pengen mati rasanya gue saat itu... --"
Gue juga inget saat pertama kali pake template klasik, gue maksa-maksa Dara buat ngasih tau gimana cara ngerubah template. Gue yang saat itu sedang sangat sangat labil maksa-maksa dia bener dan ngemention twitternya ampe 5 kali... Malu juga kalo gue nginget-nginget soal itu...
Terus gue dengan narsisnya minta link nih blog (saat itu namanya belum kuntilalatip.blogspot.com) dipromotin di blognya Nada, Rifdah, Bahitah, dan lain-lain, juga dengan agak sedikit maksa....
Nih gue baru aja mengulang masa alay gue dengan minta exchange link ama orang Malay. Omona, gue numpang narsis bener sih... -_-
That's the short story of my blog in the fifth anniversary!
Segitu dulu deh!
Minggu, 27 Mei 2012
Konser Lady Gaga(l)?
Gue baru denger tadi saat gue bangun tidur dan melihat TV katanya Big Daddy (Promotor konser Lady Gaga) ngebatalin konser? Finally ad juga keputusan. Tapi, bukannya gue setuju dengan keputusan itu. Gue gak juga pro seandainya memang Lady Gaga jadi konser di Indonesia. I'm not in anybody's side.
Gue cuma beranggapan begini. Seandainya memang gue adalah little monster yang udah beli tiket, gue juga gak terlalu kecewa kalo Lady Gaga gak jadi konser (asal dibalikin aja duitnya, gila gak balikin apa jadinya dunia?). Soalnya kalo menurut gue, kagak tau kalo yang laen, yang terpenting itu KEAMANAN. Keamanan bakalan terwujud kalo ada yang namanya KERJA SAMA. Kerja sama tuh butuh PERSETUJUAN dari BANYAK PIHAK. Kalo satu pihak aje udah kagak setuju, gue rasa kagak mungkin tuh konser aman. Mana kali ini bukan cuma satu pihak euy, banyak yang kagak setuju.
Gue tadi siang beli batik buat ntar perpisahan, warna biru, bawahnya ada layer-layer gitu, suka. Cuma kata mama gue kependekan. What do you think? (Gue belum bisa nunjukin gambarnya, some technical problem like usual)
Udah sampe segitu dulu aja deh. Besok gue bakalan ngambil undangan kelulusan.
Gue baru denger tadi saat gue bangun tidur dan melihat TV katanya Big Daddy (Promotor konser Lady Gaga) ngebatalin konser? Finally ad juga keputusan. Tapi, bukannya gue setuju dengan keputusan itu. Gue gak juga pro seandainya memang Lady Gaga jadi konser di Indonesia. I'm not in anybody's side.
Gue cuma beranggapan begini. Seandainya memang gue adalah little monster yang udah beli tiket, gue juga gak terlalu kecewa kalo Lady Gaga gak jadi konser (asal dibalikin aja duitnya, gila gak balikin apa jadinya dunia?). Soalnya kalo menurut gue, kagak tau kalo yang laen, yang terpenting itu KEAMANAN. Keamanan bakalan terwujud kalo ada yang namanya KERJA SAMA. Kerja sama tuh butuh PERSETUJUAN dari BANYAK PIHAK. Kalo satu pihak aje udah kagak setuju, gue rasa kagak mungkin tuh konser aman. Mana kali ini bukan cuma satu pihak euy, banyak yang kagak setuju.
Gue tadi siang beli batik buat ntar perpisahan, warna biru, bawahnya ada layer-layer gitu, suka. Cuma kata mama gue kependekan. What do you think? (Gue belum bisa nunjukin gambarnya, some technical problem like usual)
Udah sampe segitu dulu aja deh. Besok gue bakalan ngambil undangan kelulusan.
Senin, 21 Mei 2012
Special Ability
Gue baru aja baca special ability para vampire di twillightsaga.wikia.com dan interested banget gitu ama semuanya. Nih kira-kira yang gue baca...
Quantifiable supernatural talents
Other talents
Keren kan? Kalo gue sih pengen punya mental shield, precognition, pathokinesis, ama self-control itu. Keren euy...
Udah deh segitu dulu.
Gue baru aja baca special ability para vampire di twillightsaga.wikia.com dan interested banget gitu ama semuanya. Nih kira-kira yang gue baca...
Quantifiable supernatural talents
Name | Ability | Examples |
Edward Cullen | Edward found most of the minds of kids in Forks High School to be unimaginative, but couldn't hear what Bella was thinking at all. He also had the displeasure of reading Jacob's mind. In Twilight, Edward was able to save Bella from a group of men who were going to attack her because he could read what they were planning.He knew Mike, Eric, and Tyler were all going to ask Bella to the dance, but didn't know what her response would be to any of them. InBreaking Dawn, Edward used his ability while confronting the Volturi to know their plans and intentions. | |
Alice Cullen | In Twilight, Alice saw James in Bella's old dance studio in Phoenix, and Bella later being captured by him, once she decided to meet him there. In New Moon, Alice could see Edward's decision to provoke the Volturi but not exactly how he would do it, because he kept changing his mind. In Eclipse, Alice tells the family that the newborns are coming to fight them. In Breaking Dawn, Alice's ability allowed her to warn her family about the confrontation with the Volturi. | |
Jasper Hale | In Twilight, when Bella was stressed caused by James tracking her, Jasper felt her anxiety and calmed her down, so much that she fell asleep. In Eclipse, Jasper used his power to temporarily calm everyone down when the the Cullens and the werewolves almost got into a fight.In Breaking Dawn, Jasper stayed near Bella after she had Renesmee because she was so happy and he was drawn to her positive feelings. | |
Bella Swan | In Breaking Dawn, Bella shielded herself and her allies in the battle against the Volturi. At the end ofBreaking Dawn, Bella lowered her shield allowing Edward to read her mind. | |
Renesmee Cullen | In Breaking Dawn, Renesmee used her ability to transfer her thoughts into Bella after she woke up as a vampire, in order to let her mother know about herself. She also used her talent to show the visiting vampires her side of the story. | |
Aro | In New Moon, when Bella was in Italy, Aro attempted to hear her thoughts but failed, just as Edward cannot read Bella's mind. InBreaking Dawn, Aro uses his talent to read Edward's mind, and thus saw the thoughts he had read in everyone else's mind. | |
Marcus | In New Moon, Marcus lets Aro know about the intensity of Bella and Edward's relationship. | |
Didyme | Didyme's aura of happiness that affected anyone nearby caused Marcus to become happy, and therefore he fell in love with her. Her ability also caused Didyme herself to become happy. | |
Afton | Afton's gift wasn't strong enough to land him a spot in the Volturi by his own terms. He owes his spot in the guard to his more talented mate, Chelsea. | |
Alec | In Breaking Dawn, Alec tries to cut off the Cullen's and their witnesses senses. It appeared as a mist, but had no effect on them due to Bella's shield. | |
Chelsea | In Breaking Dawn, Chelsea attempts to break up the relationships between the Cullens and their supporters, but is blocked out by Bella's shield. Chelsea is said to be useful to the Volturi and often breaks the ties between those the Volturi is eliminating making them easier to destroy. She also makes those who Aro wishes to join the Volturi feel an affinity for them. | |
Corin | Corin uses her gift to make the wives feel happy while being trapped in their castle. | |
Demetri | At the end of New Moon, Emmett, Jasper and Edward joke about hiding Bella because Demetri won't be able to find her since her mental shield prevents him from tracking her. | |
Heidi | Heidi uses her gift to attract "food" for the Volturi. | |
Jane | In New Moon, Jane used her ability on Edward who tried to prevent her from using it on Bella. This caused him to collapse on the floor in imaginary pain. In Eclipse, Jane inflicted her talent on the young vampire Bree to force her to tell the truth about the vampire wreckage in Seattle.In Breaking Dawn, Jane tries to inflict her gift upon Bella, but like her twin Alec, cannot pass Bella's shield. | |
Renata | In Breaking Dawn, Edward mentions Renata's ability and Bella wonders if it would work on her. | |
Zafrina | In Breaking Dawn, Zafrina kept Renesmee entertained by showing her pretty pictures, causing Renesmee to become very attached to her. | |
Eleazar | Eleazar used to be a member of the Volturi and he would help by telling Aro which humans would become useful vampires, in other words, who also had gifts and abilities. Aro sometimes sent him across the world to look for more gifted people.
In Breaking Dawn, Eleazar was the first person to identify Bella's ability as a shield even though he couldn't be specific because she was then unconsciously blocking her mind from him.
| |
Kate | Immediately after Kate's sister Irina was killed in Breaking Dawn, Kate shocked three people who tried to stop her from attacking the Volturi: Rosalie, who crumpled to the ground, Emmett, who threw Kate to the ground before his knees gave out, and Garrett, who locked his arms around her causing his body to spasm and his eyes to roll back in his head as Kate shocked him. | |
Benjamin | In Breaking Dawn, Benjamin practiced near the river by the Cullen's house while Bella was training by creating gusts of wind and fountains of water from the nearby river. | |
Maggie | In Breaking Dawn, Maggie comes with her coven to meet Renesmee. After Edward tells her what happens she declared that Edward spoke the truth and Siobhan and Liam believed Edward before they even touched Renesmee. | |
Siobhan | During Breaking Dawn, Siobhan wished that the confrontation with the Volturi would not turn out to be a fight. As it turned out, she was correct as the Volturi left without attacking anyone. | |
James | In Twilight, James uses his talent to track Bella and find her old home. | |
Victoria | In Twilight, Victoria knows when to escape once the Cullens killed James. In New Moon, Victoria escapes from the werewolves multiple times when she is hunting Bella. | |
Fred | In The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, Raoul and his boys are about to pick a fight with Breewhen Fred utilizes his gift, causing most of them to flee the room while others just left them alone. | |
Raoul | In The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, Diego mentioned his power to Bree Tanner, but they dismissed it. | |
Alistair | He could sense the enormous presence of the Volturi coming in Breaking Dawn, and fled because of it. | |
Charles | In Breaking Dawn, Charles gives witness that Garrett's speech was the truth before quickly leaving with his mate, Makenna. | |
Henri |
Other talents
These vampires have abilities that are not quantifiably supernatural.
Name | Ability | Examples |
Edward Cullen | During the game of vampire baseball inTwilight, Edward runs through the forest to retrieve the ball. InEclipse, Bella compares Edward's speed to Victoria's, saying 'she wheeled and flew like an arrow from a bow. But Edward was faster - a bullet from a gun.' | |
Rosalie Hale | ||
Heidi | ||
Emmett Cullen | During the game of vampire baseball inTwilight, Esme informs Bella that Emmett hits the hardest, while Edward runs the fastest. | |
Carlisle Cullen | He is able to bite (in order to turn them) people without succumbing to the frenzy and killing them. | |
Esme Cullen | She is able to welcome Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper into her home with open and caring arms; as well as Bella, a human girl her son Edward fell in love with. | |
Felix | In the New Moon film, when Edward tried to defend Bella, Felix quickly subdues him, throwing him to the ground, cracking the floor. | |
Bella Swan | In Breaking Dawn, when she caught the scent of human hikers while hunting, she manages to retain control of herself and run away from the scent while holding her breath. When Charlie comes to visit after she changed, she finds her father's smell more attractive than the hikers and yet manages to remain in control. | |
Raoul | Raoul was able to win over and kill countless newborn members in thearmy |
Keren kan? Kalo gue sih pengen punya mental shield, precognition, pathokinesis, ama self-control itu. Keren euy...
Udah deh segitu dulu.
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