Orang kayak gitu gak usah dilayanin, cuekin aja. Kalo dilayanin, artinya kita sama aja kayak dia. Doa aja abis sholat, sebut namanya, terus doa "Ya Allah, bukalah pintu hati (nama orangnya) agar dia sadar apa yang telah terjadi sebenarnya. Bukakanlah pintu kebenaran untuknya..."- My Grandma.I wish it could. I wish she will know the truth, realize what was happened, and forget this problem. Yeah, I just called my grandma, she is in Bogor now. I don't know when will she go home. I miss her so much. Since she went Umrah, I lost a person that always hear my stories, give me the wise words, giving me money (*grin*), and all the good she gave to me. I MISS HER.
I found out the special things in a heavy rain. I just realize that, in my age now, the people changed. The good people, some of them turned bad. Yeah, some of them, who I thought they were kind, turned back and be mad at me, without a clear reason. The bad persons (I said it 'persons', not 'people', their number is not much), who I thought they were not good, turned good. They started to greets me, talked to me, and others which make me think "They treated me good, don't they?". It's so confusing to think how could it come.
It's all fair. Just like what my mom said, "Don't be too close to a good person, and don't be too rude to the bad one." The philosophy of life is 'change'. Change, from an embrio to a perfect baby, then turned to happy kid, next change to a fragile teenager, turned again to be a mature adult, and finally you changed to an elderly. If a person doesn't 'change', they were never survive. And that the right thing, change. I have to change every thing inside myself to survive, based on my environment now.
But sometimes, it's hard to changed yourself to make a good condition for fit yourself in your environment. And that's the challenge. We have to be strong to face it. And that's why God give us those problems. We gonna be stronger if we could face it.
I'm not an oracle freak, but my fortune cookie knows me well.