Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Maaf-Maafan SS: A wonder-awful event.

"Kami doakan, Lathifah lulus AFS...AMIN!!!"-Kak Liza Anggraini, XII PSIA 5

Actually it was so long ago, on April 4th.
I was verified my AFS participant number, and I putted in on my table, the first row, exactly in front of the teacher's desk.

Then all of the super senior in XII PSIA 5 (Susu Bima, Susi Sukarni Bersama IA 5) came to our class and standing in front of class. Kak Haris, saw my AFS participant number and told about it to his friends. Then, suddenly, Kak Liza (my chair mate in UTS) said that Susu Bima prayed for me to passed the test of AFS/YES Exchange Program. How happy I was!

Thanks, Susu Bima! :)

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