Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Failed (as disappointing as Nada's)

It was a hard day when I saw 'Lathifah Nadiah .................. Tidak Lulus' My head is going to explode but it made me had a right-sided headache, and I lose all those happy moment in the dorm.

I had a bad hair day this week (except the BUBAR part), and it's like DUAAAARRRR!!! All around were useless for me and then, it is end in BUBAR part.

Okay, start from the acceleration test result. I was finished my extracurricular activities: Shokura (Seventeen Nihon Konbura) which in that time had rose origami. Then, when I go back to the dorm, Echa (my friend in the class, she joined the test too) told me that the result was sticked on the announcement board. I go there, and found out: I'm failed to join acceleration class. Okay, It doesn't matter at the begin. Then I go back to my dorm and I was still thinking of that and the result, I got a right-sided headache at Ashar prayer. I was fasting that time and I have to hold it 'till Maghrib. I can't just stand up and said "I'm fine, it doesn't matter." It's a big deal, it's about my mom, my future, my family financial, and many more. Yeah, you know, it made me stress and finally, can't wake up and slept all that long. My friend Suci and Rahma told the nurse that I'm sicked and she asked me to have a bed rest. But I can't still stop my tears.

The next day is a big day : The Leader of Student Association Election. I was gave my choice to Kak Fatur, but there was someone force me to vote for Kak Akbor (you don't have to know who is that person). But finally I vote number 2. Then, when the election counting time came, the result is Kak Fatur was lose, and Kak Akbor won.

The next day is the happy moment: BUKA BERSAMA X.EYURO and X.ELENDANG. It was fun and made me get closer to the senior... Thanks kak!!!!


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